Student Court to Convene Over Student Body Presidential Election Disqualification

By Ryan Simonovich

Tuesday, April 24, 2018 | Number of views (6107)

The Student Court is convening today to decide on an appeal from Chance Salway and Alyssa Yocky, who were disqualified from the student body presidential election in late March.


The team was found to be in violation of a campaign rule on page five of the election packet, a document sent to all students via email, Salway said. The election packet states: “Candidates shall not actively solicit in or around any residence hall or any campus community building.”  


A complaint was filed by Ian Fullinwider, current student body vice president, he said.


The complaint alleged that Salway was heard actively campaigning in the student union building, Salway said.


Salway denies that he was actively campaigning.


The election was held March 26-28, and the results have not yet been announced.


“At this point, there has been irregularities in the election that have to be resolved before any results are announced,” Dustin Fink, student body president and election committee member said. “That’s really all I can say for the health of the process.”


The Student Court will be held 2-5 p.m. April 24 in the Colorado room.


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