Kiiyahno Edgewater
The Search for a President at FLC
Amidst the national elections, Fort Lewis College is also going through a similar search for a new president to oversee the community.
In the spring semester of 2024, previous FLC president Tom Stritikus left to fill the role of a similar title at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. During that time Steve Schwartz took his position as interim president.
“When our...
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Tiana Padilla
What students should know about the new financial aid form.
In 2023, the Department of Education released an updated version of the Free Application for Student Aid that would make the process easier for students to fill and receive aid.
Students must fill the FAFSA to qualify for federal and state grant funds, federal loans, and work study, Jedidiah Gilden, director of Financial Aid, said in an email.
One of the changes involved with the...
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Junior Parrish
Gamers join each other for a night of fun at the LAN Part
A poster in the middle of the room welcoming everyone who came to the LAN Party.
Everyone played their games, and was open to all students. The Lan Party, hosted by Gaming Society and A+ Gaming, was held on Oct. 12 in the EBH at 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Snacks were provided to the gamers.
Levi Otten helped...
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Tiana Padilla
Students show spirit for Halloween
For Fort Lewis College, Halloween comes as an opportunity for students to show their creativity through their costumes, and this year is no different.
One example of student creativity is Zoe Corbine, a theater major, who’s costume references the cover of children’s book Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon.
It took Corbine up to 45 minutes to an hour to paint the stripes...
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Zara Tucker
A Bright Kickoff to FLC Homecoming Week
On Oct. 21, Fort Lewis students and community members gathered outside of the Student Life Center as the sun set to prepare for the Glow Run 5km run and 1km walk.
This event has been going on for many years, often in the spring, but this year is a part of the Homecoming Week activities at Fort Lewis College because this time of year is the “red zone,” Taylar Moorhouse, Student...
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